Saturday, March 14, 2009

where do we stand today - the ides of March

A quisk update on where we stand today:

Babli is in school. Her admission and fisrt term fees have been paid. She has been outfitted, her uniforms and books bought. The total cost came to 83 250 Rs.

We need to pay her next term on April 2nd.

Till date we have received 48K Rupees from Asha Canada, 20K Megha and saurabh and 50K from sabrina.

The boys - Aditya, Nikhil, Vicky - still need to be admitted. We are expecting a one time donation that would enable us to meet part of the payment.


  1. Hi Anou:

    Can you please provide more specifics on the fees for the benefit of everyone. For example, I would like your input on the following items:
    1) Admissions Fees for hostel: Is this one-time or annual?
    2) "School Fees" vs "School Fees (refundable)" vs "Annual School Fees"
    3) "Annual Activity Charges for hostel" vs "Annual charges for hostel" vs "Activity Charges"?
    4) What is "Books and Dress on Accounts"? Does this cover school books and uniforms? Is this annual or per some other period?


  2. I am glad you raised this
    I will clarify all points as we are going to te school today.
    admission fees for hostel: I know is one time
    books are annual and dress is twice a year (summer and winter) and then as per the child's needs.
    activity charges for hostel include the monthly outings etc. As I have seen with Utpal who has been in school for 3 years now, there has never been any additional amount demanded in the course the year.
    but give me a little time and I will post all details
